Scripteezy harnesses the awesome power of AI to quicky & accurately extract loglines, synopses, character breakdowns, filming locations, props, & more from any movie or TV script.

Scripts Covered
Words Analyzed
Characters Described
Props Identified
EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981) A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.

How it Works

Scripteezy's bots summarize scripts by analyzing the text and picking out the most important information such as main characters, plot, key events, filming locations, props etc. This information is then condensed into a shorter and clearer representation, retaining the essential parts of the script and removing less important details. This could be done by selecting key sentences or phrases and rephrasing them or using an automatic summarization algorithm. The aim is to provide a quick and easy overview of the story for those who do not have time or interest to read the full script.

INT. WISHING WELL - NIGHT "Down here its our time. It's our time down here!" - Mikey

Whats the Cost?

Only pay for the data you need!

Logline & Synopsis
Character Breakdowns
Filming Locations
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Mood/Story Boards
Coming Soon
INT. BACK ROOM - NIGHT "BECAUSE MAN, somewhere... in one of those memories ... is the evidence!" - Flynn

Humans Scripteezy

Happy humans make happy bots!

"We receive over 100 scripts a week. Scripteezy saves us sooo of time."

Jeb Brandon - Talent Manager

"We absolutely love how Scripteey extracts all our shooting locations as well as associated mood and settings. Total game changer!"

Gloria - Locations

"We cannot believe Scripteezy is not humans providing character descriptions. They are right on the nose with detailed accuracy."

Penny Perry - Casting Director

EXT. INDY'S DIG - NIGHT "Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?" - Indiana Jones

Danny Lepthien


Garrison Koch


About the Creators

In 2011, Garrison Koch and Danny Lepthien embarked on their entrepreneurial journey by creating, a revolutionary media portfolio system that provided an affordable and user-friendly solution for entertainment industry professionals. With their first venture's success, the duo set their sights on developing a platform that would revolutionize the way movie and TV scripts are covered. Thus, was born, a powerful tool that harnesses the incredible power of AI to extract critical information from TV and movie scripts, including loglines, synopses, character breakdowns, filming locations, props, and more. Since its launch, has become one of the most popular script breakdown platforms, delivering insane amounts of time and cost savings to industry professionals.

EXT. ROOFTOP - NIGHT "I couldn't help it! It just popped in there! It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man" - Stantz

Contact Us

Promise you'll reach a human!
